November 21, 2024

Calculator 2.0.7
is released


“Great software [Key Manager]!
Pros: Was able to fix issues in games that didn't let me map characters how I wanted. Could easily change Ctrl + Up to Ctrl + Delete, F11 to F12, Caps Lock to Up key, and other random changes that only affect one program!
Cons: So many features I don't need now, but I went for it instead of key remapper just to have them. So far, I'm impressed with what I've used, but have a feeling I won't use all the features.
Summary: Great program. Especially for games and other software that won't let you remap keys however you want.”, User reviews


Multi-Screen Voice Calculator is a calculator for everyday use for Android devices, that lets you:

  • Instantly enter numbers and mathematical expressions using an ergonomic on-screen keyboard and voice input. Just press the mic button and speak the expression (for example, 74 point 5 times 4 plus 37 = 74.5 × 4 + 37 = 335): it will appear on screen and the result will be calculated immediately!

  • Make two or more calculations simultaneously. To do this, you can switch editing screens with a horizontal swipe along the top edge. You can give names to screens by tapping the screen number.

  • Quickly copy the result to the clipboard simply by tapping it. There is a special button for pasting from the clipboard (📋).

  • All calculations are recorded in the calculations history, from where you can insert the expression and result into the editor. These records can be instantly deleted with a horizontal swipe. Any record from the history can be tagged with text by tapping the date or time.

  • Execute mathematical operations with incredibly large numbers and expressions.

  • Raise to the n-th power or extract the root of the n-th power (for example: 5 cubed = 5^3 = 125; the cube root of 27 = 3√27 = 3).

  • Percentage calculations (for example: 200 + 10% = 220; 10 % 200 = 20).

  • Convenient, user-friendly settings that can be easily opened with a swipe right on the keyboard. The settings include: vibrate on click, full-screen mode, keep screen on, and other options.

  • The result is always displayed naturally, without incomprehensible E's, dashes, and numbers.

  • Easily work with many memory cells, and easily switch between them. You can set a name for each cell, letting you intuitively use the memory for a specific field of activity.

  • Quickly switch themes.

Interface Languages: English English, German Deutsche, Spanish Español, French Français, Italian Italiano, Hungarian Magyar,
Dutch Nederlands, Portuguese Português, Russian Русский, Romanian Română, Swedish Svenska,
Japanese 日本語, Malayalam മലയാളം, Thai ไทย.
Voice Input Languages: English, Čeština, Deutsche, Español, Ελληνικά, Français, Hrvatski, Indonesia, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Polski, Português, Română, Русский, Svenska, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, العربية, 中文, हिन्दी, বাংলা, தமிழ், മലയാളം, 日本語, 한국어, ไทย.
Operating System: Android 5.0 and up.


Free Version

Pro Version

Free Version Restrictions

  • Only 16 screens (pages) to switch.

  • Only 8 memory cells.

Get the Pro Version for Free!

We'll be happy to send you a coupon or even a few ones for the Pro version free installation in exchange for:

  • An interesting YouTube video, article, blog post or any other item promoting the application.

  • Or quality translation of the application texts into another language. The application has already been translated into French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Thai.

Please feel free to use the contact form to share your ideas.

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