November 21, 2024

Calculator 2.0.7
is released


“I have been using Key Manager since June of 2023. It has been unfailing. While I recognize that, so far, my use has been simple key mapping of frequently used phrases, it is capable of so much more. Multiple uses daily — never a failure. This is the way software is meant to be. I have programmed high-reliability products in the past, where the zero-failure life tests were terminated after 17 years. I recognize reliable software when I see it, and ATNSOFT has it!!”


David, USA

Text Paster

If you are tired of typing the same text multiple times, Text Paster can help you!

Text Paster is a program for instantly pasting into input fields in practically any program simple or formatted (RTF) text that has been pre-defined by you: standard phrases, greetings, generic replies, the current date and time, letter and document templates, e-mail addresses, website addresses, usernames, passwords, text fragments selected on your screen, clipboard contents, and much more.

You can also try Key Manager – our more functional version of the program Text Paster that, in addition to pasting text, has many other useful functions.

You can also do the following with Text Paster:

  • Group the text clippings you regularly paste and display them as a popup menu.

  • Paste text or display the popup menu with a single key, mouse click, key combination, or by pressing and holding a pre-defined key or mouse button.

  • Quickly fill out forms thanks to automatic switching between fields through emulation of the Tab key and other keys, including Enter.

  • If a program does not support pasting text (for example, a console application), then text can be typed in by the program itself.

  • Limit text pasting and type to certain programs or windows.

Interface Languages:
English English, Czech Čeština, German Deutsch, Spanish Español, French Français, Italian Italiano,
Polish Polski, Portuguese (Brazil) Português, Russian Русский, Romanian Română, Japanese 日本語.
System Requirements: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/​XP/2000/Server 2003-2025.


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